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Self-reference is used to denote any situation in which someoneor something refers to itself. Self-reference is an important issuein philosophy, mathematics and computer science amongst oth-ers. In the philosophy of language the naive theory of truth hasbeen challenged by the Liar Paradox. The Liar Paradox is thecontradiction that emerges from trying to determine whetherthe sentence‘This sentence is false’is true or false. The sentence is obviously self-referential in thatit claims itself to be false. In mathematics the naive conceptof set has been challenged by Russell’s paradox. Russell’s para-dox is the contradiction that emerges from trying to determinewhether the sentence‘Is the set of all sets that are notmembers of themselves an element of itself?’ is true or false. This sentence, as well, involves self-reference,though maybe not in a way as obvious as the Liar sentence. Incomputer science one of the important problems is the questionof how to implement introspection (self-reflection) in artificialintelligence agents. Through introspection an agent is able torefer to itself. On the naive account of agent introspection thisagain leads to a paradox of self-reference, e.g. in the form ofthe Knower’s Paradox: ‘I know that what I say now is not true.’ ΦLOG ACTIVITIES, 2002-200345 In the light of these paradoxes the naive theories have to beabandoned and several new, consistent theories are introducedinstead. In these theories the paradoxes are avoided either byblocking self-reference altogether or by finding consistent waysto treat self-reference. The blocking strategy will most oftenresult in theories that are limited in important ways. Thus,to construct powerful, consistent theories one has to get to adeeper theoretical understanding of self-reference and of how tolive consistently with it. It turns out that all three paradoxesabove are structurally similar. This implies that coming to anunderstanding of the basic structure involved in self-referenceand theoretically investigate how to tame it has promising per-spectives for all three fields of research.Self-reference is not in any way restricted to occur only inthe theories considered above. Actually, any theory that couldbe considered to be part of its own subject matter has somedegree of self-referentiality. This applies to many theories oflanguage, economy, sociology, psychology, etc. With respectto these theories an understanding of self-reference is essentialto avoid performing unsound self-referential reasoning as in theparadoxes above. The aim of the conference is to bring togetherresearchers in the fields of philosophy, mathematics, and com-puter science to present theories of and related to self-reference– especially with respect to theories that explain and resolvethe above paradoxes and thereby advance new theories for theinvolved fields.